Etwinning project 2021-22

Name of the project

Act Green!


A small descrption

Starting from the Agenda 2030 US we know that the world is facing a great challenge : how can our planet survive and how can human beings overcome all the natural disasters which are caused primarily by climate changes. We need to be aware of the terrible conditions of our planet but at the same time we need to take actions in order to improve our lives and the safety of our planet.

This project aims at raising awareness of the actual situation about our planet’s health and about the risks connected to climate changes but at the same time at seeing in this situation a great opportunity to change our life style and to create better living conditions for all the human beings.

We can save our lives if we cooperate and share new values. We can’t save ourselves alone.



Students participating in the project will present themselves, their school, their city and their country. Initially, an online meeting will be held between the responsible teachers in order to exchange ideas and share tasks. Students will be assigned activities per month.Initially, they will design logos and slogans related to the project. Posters  and short informative videos to convey to the public the importance of the issue in all the languages of the partner schools will also be created.

Students will be divided in international groups. Each team will be engaged in different activities nationally and globally. Posible sections to be investigated :

-Greta Thunberg’s discourse

-The meaning of the expression “Climate Changes” and its implication on our lives

- Analysis of the situation in the various partner’s nations

- Analysis of the decisions taken by the nations involved in the project

-Sharing ideas about a possible solution to be undertaken in our schools

Transnational online meetings will be carried out among students of each team in order to  exchange ideas, share contents and work on the final products to be presented to the other groups

 From time to time there will be online meetings between teachers for possible updates of planned activities and their evaluation and

between students and teachers to communicate the phases of the project process.

The final evaluation will be carried out through surveys of all participants and a final meeting.


Main goals


This project aims to:

1.Raise students' awareness of environmental issues and build a strong environmental awareness among them.

2. Emphasize the importance of sustainability that meets the needs of the present without depriving future generations of the right to satisfy their own

3. Develop students' sensitivity through the creation of poster and videos that allow the exchange of knowledge about the importance of preserving Nature and saving our planet

4. Give them the opportunity to become active citizens by proposing alternatives or solutions to be presented in the local schools thus making their voices heard

5. Help them organize their tasks and be able to work in international groups and develop collaborative work

6. Develop their technological skills, interpretation and analysis of the environment broadcasting news about climate changes in different parts of the world

7. The familiarization of students  with different European cultures

8. Student's learning of researching methods

9. The development of  their critical thinking and their ability to solve problems

10. The improvement of their digital skills using web2 tools

11. The promotion of their language and communication skills

Expected results

By participating in this project students will better understand climate change and the measures we can all take to combat it. Hopefully our students will develop new attitudes, learn about the right choices and make more environmentally conscious choices. By understanding the changes brought about by human activity they will realize the responsibilities they individually carry as citizens.  Therefore they will be able to act in a responsible way, to participate fully in social and political life and to shape the future in terms of environmental and social sustainability.

Teachers and students will also come in contact with different cultures and analyze their attitude and efforts to save the planet.  They will improve their language and digital skills by using new web2 tools. They will also improve their communication skills as they will prepare presentations to inform the rest of the school community, parents and representatives of the local community.In order to further disseminate and publicize the project, a blog will be created and the final products of the project will be published on school websites and on social media.


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